News – Scottish Trade Press
Dr Sophie Taysom writes on building ESG into the DNA of projects in the built environment.
Dr Sophie Taysom writes on building ESG into the DNA of projects in the built environment.
On 8th June, Dr Sophie Taysom of Keyah Consulting will be speaking at the 72nd the FIABCI World Real Estate Congress in Paris. She will be speaking on adding value to real estate while also improving the lives of end users. FIABCI is a worldwide business networking organization for all Read more…
I had the opportunity to speak to a session at Urban Design London on social value in real estate. It was part of a broader discussion on viability and social vale. The audience was made up of practitioners working in local councils across England. Here’s a copy of my presentation
I had the opportunity to present to the Firestarter Forum on ESG for SMEs and touch on some of the core considerations. Slides below. A few key points from the discussion
Real estate has a very real role to play in contributing to social value in the UK. Whether it be public realm enhancements, supporting people into the industry, including social enterprises in supply chains, increasing local spend and so on, there’s an increasing need for developers and asset owners to Read more…
I had the opportunity to present on Housing and Health Inequalities to the Bureau Local UK Network of the Bureau of Investigate Journalism. My central argument was that health has to be put at the centre of our discussions about the built environment. We know that there are issues with Read more…
“The role of human influence on the climate system is undisputed.” Dr Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Working Group Co-Chair The IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report ‘Climate Change 2021’ makes for sobering reading. Climate change is an immediate threat and no country is immune. Key headlines from the Summary for Policy Makers include: It’s unequivocal that Read more…
The trend towards Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations in investment decision-making is accelerating. Nowhere is this more apparent than in real estate. And there are good reasons for this. We know that that the built environment accounts for 39% of global carbon emissions. We also know that our buildings Read more…
In the final of The Institution of Engineering and Technology’s (IET) series on Healthy Living and Housing, our focus was on the future of intelligent homes. You can access the session by clicking here and registering to watch on demand. For this session, I was pleased to be joined by: Read more…
I had the pleasure of chairing the fifth in The Institution of Engineering and Technology’s (IET) series on Healthy Living and Housing. The focus for this session was on smart home tech to support people’s needs. You can access the session by clicking the link here and registering to watch on demand. Speakers Read more…