Last week, Dr Sophie Taysom of Keyah Consulting, held a meeting with members of the LinkedIn ESG in Real Estate group.

Sophie established the group in August 2020. Since then it has grown to over 8,000 members globally.

Those who attended gave a number of reasons as to why they had joined the group, including: to exchange ideas; read the most up to date material; and, to learn.

What was clear from discussion is that there are real desire to see more on

  • The role of finance in supporting sustainability across real assets
  • The role of insurance – as institutional investors, and role in driving forward sustainability
  • Case studies – across finance, across insurance, and more broadly, what sustainability looks like in practice.

Looking ahead

This was a really useful discussion.

We’ll want to build up the number of case studies relevant specifically to finance and insurance, but also case studies of what sustainability looks like at asset level.

These case studies could be articles and reports. Equally, there is an opportunity for webinars and events (such as ‘lunch and learn’).

How you can help

There are a number of ways in which you can help.

One is to post relevant articles, reports, and case studies. To note, posts are screened before going to the wider group to ensure they’re on topic and not sales pitches.

The second would be to get in touch with Sophie to discuss if you’d like to partner and sponsor a webinar or in-person get together.


And do get in touch if you’d like to speak to Sophie about working with her.